Did you know that 1 out of every 7 minutes spent on the Internet is spent on Facebook? With over 1.3 billion members and 802 million of them logging in daily, the platform records more time spent on it each day than any other website in the world. Facebook users spend an average of 29 minutes per day on the network.

Among those active users: truck drivers. In fact, more than 80% of truck drivers are active on Facebook. The platform provides a tremendous opportunity for your business to find the candidates that you need for effective driver hire. But how do you find—and interest—the right candidates? The answer is Facebook Ads.

Facebook Ads leverages the social media site’s enormous reach and pairs it with robust ad targeting that ensures you’ll reach the exact pool of candidates you need right when you need them.

How to Use Facebook Ads for Your Recruitment Drive

According to a recent Nielsen study, Facebook Ads campaigns are 89% effective—more than twice as effective as any other advertising platform. If you’re ready to infuse your driver hire process with personal and highly impactful social advertising, delve into the platform’s immense potential.

Just a few of the targeting options available on Facebook for your recruitment drive:

  • Location: Country, state or province, city, and zip code

  • Demographics: Age, education, and workplace experience

  • Online Actions: Users who have already visited your website

  • Behaviors: Purchase history and device usage

  • Connections: Users who are connected to certain Pages, apps, and Facebook Events

  • Interests: Hobbies and Pages liked

Using Facebook Ads, you can fulfil one or multiple key driver hire tasks, including the following.

Fill a Specific Job or a Group of Similar Jobs: When you’re hiring for a specific position or several similar jobs during a recruitment drive, you could simply target by job title to find candidates that currently hold similar positions—but what if a Facebook user hasn’t filled in his or her job title or the job title doesn’t exactly match your criteria? The good news is that you can target a much more precise audience with Facebook.

Facebook Ads allows you to layer your driver hire targeting criteria with as many data points as you’d like. To help you fill a specific role or easily recruit similar candidates at volume, layer in helpful criteria such as current employer, industry, location, educational background, and interests.

Increase Recruitment Drive Attendance: If you’re holding an in-person recruitment drive to grow your talent pool, consider targeting Facebook profiles near the event’s location. Layer on demographic targeting to attract candidates with a variety of skills and experience.

Attract Diversity Candidates: Many companies have launched initiatives to increase the diversity of their workforce. Driver hire diversity is another area that Facebook Ads can help with: target a wide and diverse selection of candidates based on their interests, Facebook Pages that they like, and languages that they speak.

Struggling to Find Facebook Ads Success?

You don’t have to navigate Facebook Ads alone. At KJ Media, our dedicated Social Ads Specialists will help you define, manage, and report on your Ads campaigns. At the same time, our Facebook advertising technology will make sure that you optimize your targeting and reach while continually fine-tuning your Ads campaigns to deliver the greatest possible ROI.

With Facebook’s reach, relevant Ads targeting, and a little help from our dynamic driver hire support suite, you can make a serious impact on your recruitment program. Contact us today for assistance.