As a truck driver recruiter, you might be familiar with some of the challenges of hiring truck drivers — lack of availability, long time-to-fill, fast turnover, and more. If automation isn’t already part of your recruiting strategy, you’re running the risk of falling behind in an already competitive marketplace. Automating mundane and time-consuming tasks like sourcing, scheduling, and following up is easier than ever with the right resources. Keep reading to discover five reasons why you should automate your recruitment strategy. 

1. Saves time and valuable resources.

The traditional recruiting process can be time and resource-consuming. It requires frequent back and forth with candidates, which is inefficient. You may also find it difficult to track where your candidates are in the process. An automated recruitment strategy can automatically assign tasks based on each stage of the hiring funnel whether that’s the first stage of the funnel in candidate acquisition or following up for an in-person interview.

2. Helps you quickly identify quality candidates.

Creating real shortlists is time-consuming. It involves combing through applicants’ resumes, picking out their strengths and weaknesses, then putting together an email with those details that can be sent around to your hiring team. Automation can help you easily filter quality candidates once they enter the hiring funnel. One way to do this is to create an intake form or questionnaire to identify quality candidates and determine compatibility. You’re completely in control of the criteria, which ensures that only quality truck drivers will make it to the next step in the process. Once these steps are completed and qualified applicants are filtered out, they can be moved through each stage of your hiring funnel until they reach an interview stage.

3. Eliminates hiring bias.

Hiring bias is a huge problem, especially when it comes to creating a more diverse and inclusive workplace. While you may think hiring bias doesn’t apply to your recruitment team, we are all human, and unconscious bias happens all the time. Automating your driver acquisition can help eliminate that initial bias when screening potential drivers by focusing on specific skill sets rather than gender, location, age, and more.

4. Re-engages passive candidates.

An active candidate is one that might move through the hiring funnel fairly quickly. Automation can help you re-engage with passive candidates who might not have made it past the interview step. Decide how often you want to send follow-up messages. The trucking industry is notorious for having a high turnover rate, so you’ll want to strike the balance of not being too spammy, but also staying top-of-mind in case they begin to look for new opportunities.

5. Helps you learn what is and isn’t working.

If you have a recruiting team that’s responsible for filling open positions, but they don’t understand how their efforts are performing, then they’ll never know if their strategies are working or not. You need to know exactly how many people are seeing your ad placements (whether that’s digital or social), clicking on them, and applying for them so that you can make adjustments as necessary.

We know how hard it can be to find, recruit and hire the right truck drivers, but automating your recruitment strategy could be the missing key to your success. The more effective you are at getting people through the hiring funnel, the faster you can hire drivers. KJ Media can help you automate your recruitment strategy—so you can spend less time on all these tasks and more time making sure your company has the right people in place. With our automated lead management campaigns, you’re never left scrambling to find a qualified candidate again. Instead, you can focus on what really matters: making sure that each driver who applies fits with your company culture (and vice versa). Reach out today to get started.